IDA along with IDRF has its own distinguished publications mainly focusing on Clinical Dentistry and Journal of Indian Dental Association (JIDA) which acts a breeding pool for all the innovation, research and advancement in clinical practices.
Clinical Dentistry is an independent, scientific, peer reviewed publication aimed at dissemination of significant clinical and laboratory information and reviews of Significant importance to the dental profession. Clinical Dentistry provides a platform for the dental professionals to share their skills and experiences on technological developments of practical relevance to enhance knowledge and attempts to keep abreast of the current advancements in dental science in the pursuit of professional excellence in clinical practice.
The Journal of the Indian Dental Association (JIDA) (ISSN Online: 2248-9231) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal on original research articles exclusively designed for clinical practitioners. It provides a platform for eminent dentists to publish their research and evidence based findings in different fields of dentistry. It presents research work carried out, nationally and internationally in different specialities of dentistry. The focus is mainly on research and clinical trials on new procedures and techniques, dental materials, instruments, cosmetic and restorative materials, clinical studies and reviews on various dental diseases and their treatment.